• Always keep an updated resume prepared, including your title in your most recent job and responsibility changes. You never know when you’ll receive a call from a recruiter with a job opportunity!

  • In addition to actual responsibilities held in previous positions, include achievements under each job description. This "value-added" approach will help you effectively sell yourself to potential employers!

  • Edit, edit, edit! Have at least two people read your resume. Avoid the KISS OF DEATH typo! Yes, it can happen to anyone and could cost you a job opportunity.

  • Tailor your resume to the job opportunity your recruiter is presenting to you. Recruiters can arrange job interviews for you with potential employers faster when your resume reflects a background of related job skills and work experience. Employers are busy and resistant to the "forced fit."

  • Also, you can send your resume to one of our recruiters for review and suggestions.








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